17 September, 2011

Back-B-Log: Catch-Up: The Social Network, Worst Films 2010 etc.

I've gotten around to finishing the following articles, and, as I perversely prefer them to be posted to the dates when I more relevantly started writing them, this means they don't show up as the latest thing in the arbitrarily chronological feed.

30/09/10 Surfin' Multiplex: Fear, Loathing and Claustrophobia: The Town, The Hole, Buried, Devil
21/10/10 Review: The Social Network: Fight Club for Nerds
31/12/10 Recycled: My Worst Films of the Year 2010


Also, note, due to my Advent Calendar in Song project in December 2010, going back chronologically may be a bit laborious, you may want to take advantage of the "labels" feature of the blog to see "Reviews" only, for example.

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